Have Your Say on the EU Referendum

Leaflets_Yes and No_last_European_referendum+PHMarchiveWhether you are for staying, for leaving, or are have yet to decide – come to this Have Your Say! event at the People’s History Museum on Friday 29th April, 1.00 – 3.00pm.

There will be an informative and balanced discussion, suitable for the outspoken as well as those who are keen to listen. This is the first of a series of monthly discussions on political talking points at the People’s History Museum. Mark Krantz will help establish what are the facts and what are opinions.

We will examine relevant artefacts from the PHM archives. A full discussion will follow on the EU referendum.

More details of the event as well how to book online are on the PHM website

You can book directly via Eventbrite

These monthly discussions will take on the last Friday of the month 1.00 -3.00pm, Upcoming dates are:  27 May, 24 June and 29 July 2016

The Fabric of Protest Monthly Workshop

Artist Helen Mather has been working with the Learning Team at the museum to run textile workshops that explore and respond to collections and displays. Following the success of these workshops, Helen will be running a monthly The Fabric of Protest workshop where participants can create their own piece of protest art that reflects the issues that are important to them.

Starting this Friday 15 April, Helen will be asking participants to the use a range of protest materials, including ribbons, rosettes, patches, flags and badges, to contribute to an art piece using their slogan for change. Participants will produce individual pieces that will combine to create a collaborative installation that will be displayed in the museum. Participants can attend an individual workshop or join us on a regular basis to shape how the installation develops. Groups can book onto these sessions by contacting Lisa Gillen on 0161 838 9190 or emailing learning@phm.org.uk

You can find more about the previous fabric workshops Helen has held at the museum on her tumblr blog.

Or you can visit the museum to see the installation from The Fabric of Protest workshops Helen recently held for International Women’s Day; this is on display until the end of April 2016.  In these workshops participants created their slogans of change for women today.

The Fabric of Protest workshops will run on Fri 15 April, Fri 13 May, Sat 18 June, Fri 15 July & Sat 20 August, 1.30-3.30pm. You can book onto these via Eventbrite or by calling the museum on 0161 838 9190.

Woody Guthrie and Donald Trump

A guest blog by Adam Officer who is organising Saturday’s Will Kaufman’s WOODY GUTHRIE: HARD TIMES AND HARD TRAVELIN’ event

You would perhaps find it difficult to pinpoint the most bizarre story to come out of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign so far.

Earlier this year, American musician, academic and Woody Guthrie enthusiast Will Kaufman laid a claim as good as any. He uncovered the unlikely tale of how Woody Guthrie, a prolific folksinger and champion of the poor, came to live in an apartment owned by Trump’s father in the 1950’s.

Working in the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa, Kaufman discovered previously unpublished writings, which attack “Old Man Trump” for being racist. As Kaufman explains, ‘Recalling these foundations becomes all the more relevant in the wake of the racially charged proclamations of Donald Trump, who last year announced: “My legacy has its roots in my father’s legacy.”’

Will Kaufman’s compelling ‘live documentary’ is an exciting and timely performance which sets Guthrie’s songs in their historical context – the Dust Bowl, the Depression, the New Deal and the state of popular music itself, bringing to light the blending of music and radical politics that marks Guthrie’s most powerful work. The show highlights the contrasting politics between Woody Guthrie’s vision of an alternate America that works for everyone and an America envisioned by the likes of Donald Trump.

People’s History Museum are hosting Will Kaufman’s ‘live documentary’ on Sat 9 April.

Tickets are available here.  

Looking for an inspirational venue for your event?  Check out PHM’s Venue Hire pages for more information